(A) Working Capital Limits (%)
* Priviledge Limit Accounts 12.00%
* Working Capital Limits Under Hypothecation / Pledge / C.C Book Debts / Bill Discounting (Incl. Industrial Units)
* Bill Discounting backed by LC 9.50 %
* Secured Cash Credit 13.25 %
* Secured Cash Credit (To Builders) 15.00 %
* W.C Limit / Loan to Agriculturist 11.00 %
* W.C Limit to Agro-Based Industries (Dal Mill,Rice Mill etc.) 10.00 %
* Working Capital To Public TrustsRegistered Under Bombay Public Trusts Act-1950 12.00 %
* Working Capital To Professionals 12.00 %
* Salary Overdraft 13.25 %
(B) Term Loan (%)
* Term Loans to Industrial Units of all Categories 12.50 %
* Purchase of Mach/Purchase or Construction of Commercial Shop (For Own Use)
* Upto 25 lakh 12.25 %
* Above 25 lakh 13.00 %
* Privilege Term Loan 12.50 %
* Term Loans to Professionals 10 %
* Warehouse Receipts 9 %
* Term Loan Priority Sector 14.00%
* Mortgage Loan ( Business / Personal ) 10.00 %
* Educational Institution, Hospital Loans ( Other than Individuals) 12.00 %
* Personal Loan/ Loan For Consumer Durables, Unsecured Term Loan 15.00 %
* Loan Against Govt.Securities, Nsc , LIC 9 %
* Vehicle Loan ( Commercial ) 10.00 %
* Vehicle Loan ( 2 Wheeler ) 10.50 %
* Vehicle Loan ( 4 Wheeler car self use) 8.50 %
* Vehicle Loan ( 4 Wheeler Car Second Hand) 11.00 %
* Educational Loan upto 3 lakh 11.00 %
* Educational Loan above 3 lakh 10.00 %
* Housing Loan 8.50 %
* Term Loan to Builders 15.00 %
* Gold Loan(Ag. Pledge of Ornaments) 9.00 %
* Rent Discounting 10.00%
* Project Term Loan (upto 25 lakh) 12.00%
* Project Term Loan (Above 25 lakh) 12.50%
* Term Loan for Working Capital (Upto 25 lakh) 12.00%
* Term Loan for Working Capital (Above 25 lakh) 12.50%
* Term Loan to Public Trusts registered under Bombay Public Trusts Act - 1950 12.00%
* Short Term Loan COVID 19 12.00%
1. Loan Against our Bank own FDR : Additional 0.90% Interest above FDR Interest
2. OD / Loan against our bank FDR : Additional 0.90% Interest above FDR Interest
(Note : The above rate of interest shall also be applicable for 3rd party FDR Loan / OD Respectively)
(C) Penal / Additional Interests
* 1.0 % additional interest for TOD & ADHOC Limit
* 2.0 % on all overdue accounts
Note : 1. Credit Rating Facility is Available on all-Working except on Alrobased Loan Limits and Personal Capital Limit & Term Loans of Rs.25.00 Lac& Above, Segment i.e. PSL, UPSL, Hsg. Loan, Vehicle Loans '

2. 2 car Loan :- Maximum Loan amount allowed is 100% of Ex-Showroom excluding, accessories and one time RTO charges & insurance.

3. Existing processing fees, service charges to be continued as it is' loan processing procedure' share application procedure eic. to be followed ," p"r ihe present circulated norms, all other norms/conditions of vehicle loans to continue as it is.

4. Loan against our Bank's own FDR : Additional O'90% lntereSt above FDR lnterest rate' 5. ODI Loan against our Banks FDR : Additional O'90% lnterest above FDR lnterest rate' 6. Loan/ Limit against our Banks FDR @ 90% of Face Value + lnterest Accrued may be allowed' (Note :- The above rate of lnterest shall also be applicable for 3'd Party FDR Loan / oD respectively )

7. Penal / Additional lnterest shall be . - 1.Oo/o additional lnterest for ToD & ADHOC Limit' - AND 2'Oo/o on all Overdue Accounts'